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Meet Tax-tician

Sander Stagman 

January 24, 1943 - July 25, 2020


Sander Stagman founded Tax-tician Inc. in 1971 on Chicago's south side.  From a desk at the original Beverly Bank on 103rd to an office on Western Ave, Sander Stagman was a knowledgeable and dedicated Tax Accountant and friend to his many clients.  He was also an amazing father and doting grandfather.  His passion, fire, and friendship will be sorely missed as we move forward into 2021 and beyond.

Melanie Stagman 




Growing up, it was just Melanie and Sander so needless to say, she went everywhere he went (when she wasn't in school).  As a result she ended up doing her first tax return by hand (out of sheer boredom!) at age eight, working for him processing e-filing returns by age sixteen, and managing the Beverly office at twenty.  Throughout many life changes and decisions, preparing taxes has been a constant. Now that Sander has passed, Melanie is proud to have taken up his mantle to continue to serve their clients both in Beverly and now in Melanie's home town of Highland Park.


Office: 773.239.4449  

Fax: 773.239.5664

White Lillies
Tricia Johnson



Tricia has been with Tax-tician since the beginning.  Trained by Sander at first to copy returns (when I was a wee baby), then to prepare and file returns.  It's just not tax season without Tricia.  We're incredibly lucky that she has added availability this season as she is such a vital part of our Tax-tician family.

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